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HomeInstallationSetting up Calamus SL to suit your system and your needsWinPack
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The later installation of additionally purchased modules and drivers (optional)

If you purchase extra modules or drivers for your Calamus SL it is possible that they will be supplied on one or more floppy disks. For technical reasons it is not possible for us to supply these often very small quantities of data on CD ROM. It is important for you to confirm that you are able to transfer data from the (PC formatted) HD diskette to your Calamus hard disk.

These additional purchased products are stored in folder structures in such a way that these folders correspond to the folders of your Calamus installation. You can thus drag the Calamus level of your additionally purchased module on to the Calamus folder. The files are thus automatically copied into the correct folders within the Calamus folder.


101010.BR6 = Folder name of the product Bridge 6 for
  the Calamus serial number # 101010
    INFO = Calamus folder structure, with sub-folders,
      MODULES   in order to be able to find specific information.
    MODULES = Calamus folder structure containing the product.
      BRIDGE6.CXM = The optionally purchased module Bridge 6 itself.

You must open the directory only so far that you can see the following file structure:


Then you drag both these two folders (with the relevant contents) with the mouse onto your Calamus folder and let them fall in there. The copying mechanism of the operating system copies the files and sub-folders automatically into the similarly-named folder structure of Calamus.

Warning: When using MagicMac, such disk and file operations should not be performed with the Mac OS Finder. That is incapable of supplementing contents of folders with those of other folders, but simply replaces the complete folder already present with the new folder!

Copyright © invers Software (Home)
Last updated on December 12, 2015

HomeInstallationSetting up Calamus SL to suit your system and your needsWinPack