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In the right area of the Calamus file selector can be seen a large field titled Preview, as well as a switch below it called Show preview.

If the switch is set, when you choose files of certain types you will see a preview of the file in the preview panel. The functionality for this is in corresponding preview drivers, which are automatically loaded by Calamus if they are located in the driver search path.

Take a look into your Calamus drivers folder in order to see the currently available preview drivers. Look for files with the extension .CPI – further preview drivers are in preparation.

A click on this button in the bottom right corner of the file list switches the list width and size of the preview area.

You can generally leave the switch Show preview switched on, since Calamus independently detects what preview drivers are available. If the generation of a preview takes some time, a progress bar appears to inform you about the waiting period. Naturally you can abort the production of the preview picture at any time with a mouse click or key press.

In addition, you will find an entry File preview: delay in the System parameter module, whic controls how long Calamus should wait when scrolling through the file lists until the preview mechanism reacts. The value is given in milliseconds, and is normally set to 100 (Calamus waits for a tenth of a second before the preview).

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Last updated on December 12, 2015

HomeFile selectionSort sequenceFile selector: Special functions