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ASCII export

If you have chosen ASCII export, then normally the following dialog appears:

If you should not see this dialog during export, hold down the [Control] key when calling the driver in the object selector. After that you should check whether the Always show this dialog checkbox switch was perhaps in its deactivated state.

The ASCII export parameters dialog offers the following selectable parameters:

Line\Paragraph ends
Calamus can handle various line-end and paragraph-end markings. Therefore you can, and should, specify here how these line\para end-markings should be treated during export. For each of the available types you can specify which control code combination of CR (Carriage Return) and LF (Line Feed) is to be used.
  • Hard line ends
  • Paragraph ends
  • Var. par. ends
It may be desirable to convert some characters directly during export. The following options are available, which so-to-speak reverse the various conversion parameters available for importing:
  • Comments -> Control codes
  • Forced page wrap -> Form-feed
  • Eszet > Beta
  • Divis\Hyphens -> Minus
  • Blank+Tabulator -> Tab
Here you can specify whether text lines should have a maximum length during export or not (value 0). Not every program can handle text with infinitely long lines, so that you can insert hard line-breaks into text lines here. Note that this does not take into account word boundaries or hyphenation points!
A line-break in ASCII formats always consists of the control characters CR (Carriage Return) or LF (Line Feed) or a combination of both. In the popup you can choose which control characters are to be used.
ASCII converter
Just as for ASCII import you can also use the flexible ASCII converters during ASCII export. Select the desired converter from the popup menu, or select the No conversion item if you do not want any ASCII characters to be converted by a converter table.
If you have a well-functioning import converter table (e.g. Apple > Windows), but the corresponding transformation table for the reverse direction has not been created yet, you can overcome this by activating the Invert Conversion Filter checkbox. This swaps over all conversion parameters of the selected table.

You can switch the ASCII export dialog to invisible, which is sensible if you always want to export with the same parameters. To do this, deactivate the Always show this dialog checkbox.

Naturally here too you can save the settings and load them again, so that you do not have to adjust them each time. That is what the two buttons Save and Load are for. (!AIE) on launching always looks for a file named (!AIE).SET in its start path, i.e. normally in the DRIVERS folder. Therefore you should save your most frequently used settings under this name and path.

If you want to save sets for less frequently required applications, just use a slightly different name, e.g. ASC_Mac.SET for special Apple settings etc.

With the [OK] button the text will be exported from the selected Text frame. You still have to assign a sensible filename in the file selector that appears. The suggested file extension is TXT.

The [Cancel] button breaks off the complete export function.

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Last updated on June 24, 2015

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