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Object Colours

All object colours occurring in the PDF document are transferred to the document colour list of the new Calamus document. For the various colours the following applies:

Gray pdf_gg_Gray, gg = 0x00..0xFF
Internal representation as gray value.
RGB pdf_rrggbb_RGB, xx = 0x00..0xFF
Internal representation as RGB.
Calibrated gray and RGB It is not converted! Represented as gray and RGB!
CMYK pdf_ccmmyykk_CMYK, xx = 0x00..0xFF
Internal representation as CMYK.
Lab pdf_rrggbb_RGB(Lab), xx = 0x00..0xFF
Internal representation as RGB,
Conversion Lab -> XYZ -> RGB_709.
Indexed pdf_name_index_INDX, name = Internal Name
Internal representation by the corresponding colour from the table.
DeviceN pdf_......(DevN)
Internal representation by an alternative colour area. Depends upon the number of the components gray, RGB, CMYK with the auxiliary (DevN).
ICCBased pdf_......(ICC)
Internal representation by an alternative colour area. Depends upon the number of the components gray, RGB, CMYK with the auxiliary (DevN).
Pattern pdf_name_PATT, name = Internal Name
Internal representation as RGB black.
The colour area pattern is not representable. If there are objects from several colour pattern areas, they are differentiated by their internal names.
Separation pdf_xx_plane, xx = 0x00..0xFF, plane = Name of the decoration colour
If a decoration colour appears in the PDF document, it is first examined to acsertain if there is a colour of same name as the existing decoration colour (in the document). If a name match is found, that colour is used, irrespective of whether the internal colour representation in the PDF and CDK documents agree.
If the decoration colour is a standardized colour (HKS. , FOCOLTONE. , RAL…), then the appropriate modules are searched (if necessary with automatic reloading!). If the colour is found, it is copied. Again, recognition is only based on the name - there is no examination of colour equality!
Otherwise a new decoration colour is created from the data in the PDF document.
The special decoration colour None is represented as transparent, and the decoration colour All as black, if the alternative colour area CMYK is other than white!
Hint: If, after the import, black surfaces seem to cover something, you should check whether, in the document colour list, the colour designation pdf_all occurs. If so, change black to white.

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Last updated on June 24, 2015

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