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PersoNum: Placeholders list
Placeholders list
Built-in placeholders
Number placeholders
[##01##] [##1##]
[##02##] [##2##]
[##03##] [##3##]
[##04##] [##4##]
[##05##] [##5##]
[##06##] [##6##]
[##07##] [##7##]
[##08##] [##8##]
[##09##] [##9##]
Data field placeholders
[#1#] [#2.1#] [#3.1#]
[#2#] [#2.2#] [#3.2#]
[#3#] [#2.3#] [#3.3#]
[#...#] [#...#] [#...#]
Conditions placeholders
[#IF# #3.5# == "x"]
[#IF# #4.7# != "y"]
[#1>#] [#<1#]
[#2.1>#] [#<2.1#]
[#...>#] [#<...#]
Copyright © invers Software (Home)
Last updated on August 27, 2015