The Calamus SL printer driver TIF Print can output complete pages or parts of pages into TIFF files of any resolugion. On output in bitmap format, separation and rasterization of Calamus are used. But you can also choose grayscale, RGB and CMYK formats. For getting smaller file sizes it offers various compression methods.
Beside the page content itself, you can optionally output cut'n'crop marks and color plane names into the TIFF files. The created files are in valid TIFF 6.0 standard format and can be used in many other applications. Using the optional Calamus SL module TIFF Spooler, you can even send pre-ripped page files in high speed to your typesetter machine.
In combination with Fine Data Manager (another optional Calamus SL module) you can rip the files in the background, when you use a multitasking platform like MagicMacX.