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Set virtual memory

The Virtual memory menu entry allows you to decide how Calamus should use virtual memory (see Concepts). When you click on the menu entry, the following dialog box will appear:

Normally when using a hard disk there is no need these days to switch virtual memory on, but if you work with large documents and have sufficient free space on a (fast) hard drive then you can also switch virtual memory on. If you do, your document size will no longer be limited to the free RAM in your computer. Calamus sets up virtual memory on the hard drive in a series of folders, and we recommend that you first set up a top level folder named VIRTUAL or similar, into which Calamus can generate these sub-folders.

The second pair of buttons tell Calamus what to do with the folders when you quit. If you click on Disabled, Calamus will erase both folders and their contents from the hard drive. If you click on Only cleared, Calamus will erase the files from the folders, but the empty folders will remain, so that Calamus will not have to recreate the folders the next time it runs. This can save a lot of time, especially with older operating systems.

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Last updated on December 12, 2015

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