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Edit hyphenation dictionary

As already mentioned, Calamus supports two dictionaries:
An exceptions dictionary for hyphenation, and a spelling dictionary. Both have their own set of icons and may even use the same file for both purposes.

A click on this icon brings up the Edit dictionary dialog:

If a hyphenation dictionary has been loaded (loading may take some time), you can see a part of the exceptions listing in the scrolling dialog window and, besides the obligatory [OK] button, an input line and five icons. The special functions described below for inputting and adding a word apply only in the hyphenation dictionary.

If you type a word in the edit field, then after pressing [Return] this will be hyphenated following a set of fixed rules.

Unfortunately there are words in the English language which cannot be hyphenated correctly using fixed rule algorithms. For example, in the word software, the final -e is silent and there are two syllables: soft-ware. On the other hand, in the word catastrophe, the final -e is pronounced, providing an extra syllable: ca-ta-stro-phe. The hyphenation dictionary is designed to catch such special cases.

The three top icons in the left column enable you to insert, delete, and look up words. The bottom icon clears the entire dictionary from memory.

The special function Uncertain hyphenation is described further below.

Add word

To add a word to the hyphenation exceptions dictionary, you must first provide the correct hyphenation. Calamus understands two types of hyphenation logic: The normal syllabic division and division into several words. In the dictionary, syllables are divided by using -, while words are divided with +. For example, the correct hyphenation of overemphatic would be over+em-pha-tic.

When you type in a word and press [Return], Calamus will attempt to suggest the hyphenation of the word automatically, using internal rules. In this case it might look like this:

If the word is not already in a loaded dictionary, it would guess "overem-phatic" here, which unfortunately is not entirely correct either.

If you click the mouse once on the hyphen between over and em-phat-ic, it will change to + to mark a break in a compound word. If you click once between two letters where there is no - such as on the t, a - will appear. A double-click on an unwanted - (like between at and ic in the example) will eliminate the break altogether.

Once you have finished hyphenating a word, click on the Add word icon to enter it into the exceptions dictionary. The new words will not be added permanently unless you save the hyphenation dictionary before quitting Calamus.

Delete word from dictionary

To delete a word from the dictionary, click first on the word and then on the Delete icon in the second row.

Search for word in dictionary

This third icon has the same function as the [Return] key: The word on the edit line will be looked for in the dictionary. In the hyphenation dictionary it will also have hyphens between syllables: If it was found they will correspond to the dictionary entry, otherwise a special algorithm is used.

Unload dictionary

If you click on the lowest icon, the complete dictionary will be cleared from memory following a safety query alert, which allows you to change your mind.

Uncertain hyphenation

The top right button offers a unique Calamus function that is only present in the hyphenation dictionary. There are some cases (very rare in English) that are hyphenated differently in different contexts. You can mark such words as uncertain in the hyphenation dictionary, so that Calamus will stop and ask you to supply the hyphenation. To add such a word to the exceptions dictionary, type it into the text field, then click on the question-mark icon. The word will be included in the dictionary with a question-mark as well. When Calamus attempts to hyphenate this word, the following dialog box will appear:

You may enter hyphenation for a word here with a mouse click as in the hyphenation dictionary dialog box. With the Add word icon the altered word will be included in the hyphenation dictionary.

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Last updated on June 24, 2015

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