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Set copy type

This menu item allows you to decide how Calamus will copy frames, and whether multiple copies should be made. When you click on the entry, the following dialog box will appear:

Here you can tell Calamus to make basically only physical copies or only virtual copies of frames; alternatively you can instruct Calamus to display a dialog box each time you make a copy, giving you the choice between physical and virtual copies; or you can select Retain copy status, which instructs Calamus to make physical copies of physical frames and virtual copies of virtual frames. The concept of physical and virtual copies is explained in the Frame module function group section Tools.

To make multiple copies of a single frame, enter the desired number of copies in the No. of copies field. If you do not want the copies to lie directly on top of each other, you should use the next fields to instruct Calamus how far it should offset each copy. A positive or negative value for Horiz. offset will place the copy to the right or left, respectively, of the original frame. A positive or negative value for Vert. offset will place the copy below or above, respectively, of the original frame. Values in both fields will offset the copy diagonally. To change the unit of measure in the spacing fields, see Page module, Set units of measurement.

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Last updated on December 12, 2015

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