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Set document parameters

The Fix document menu entry provides a function designed for advanced DTP users. However, even if you are only a beginner, it may be useful to become acquainted with this function against future need. Calamus saves text line-breaks in cache memory (see Fundamentals, Vector and raster graphics and Generating glyphs (character images)). The contents of cache memory are emptied when Calamus needs the memory for something else. If a text frame has to be redrawn after this, it will be formatted anew. Calamus does not save the actual line-breaks to disk. Instead, every time you load the document, the program recalculates them as it draws the frames.

Most of the time, this is what you want to happen. However, there are exceptions: if you are sending a document to be imageset, the printer will usually use his own fonts. If he has a newer version of one of the fonts required, there could be problems. For example, some of the characters in the new version of the font might be narrower or wider than yours, so that the whole text would normally need reformatting with possibly different line-breaks.

You can avoid this problem and save the document with fixed line-breaks by using the Fix document menu entry to call the relevant function. To secure the line-breaks, click the Fix button in the Fix document dialog box. The position of the line-breaks is now encoded in the saved file, and Calamus will not recalculate them when it reloads the document. This way you can be sure your document will be imageset exactly as it appears on your screen.

On the other hand, if you want to reformat all text frames in the document before printing, select the Clear button. Calamus will discard all line-break information before it saves the file. As a result, printing (imagesetting) the document will take a little longer.

The Keep button, which is normally selected, offers a compromise between print time and reformatting. All line-break information already calculated will be saved, but information for the other pages will be calculated when printing.

One can also specify how Calamus should deal with any fonts, text styles, text rulers, master pages and document pages as well as layers which are not required by the current document. For each element, you can decide whether it should be kept or automatically deleted when the document is saved. (The Raster image data buttons are described below in the Keep / Decompress raster images section.)

The When saving ... show this dialog Yes/No buttons allow you to select whether this dialog box will appear every time you save a document. This allows you to double-check the settings and change them if desired. For safety's sake, you should always select Yes here.

Finally, you can set a minimum line width. All lines and raster area edges which Calamus prints will be at least as wide as the value shown here. This option allows you to make hairlines heavier; otherwise for example they would be only around 4 ten-thousandth of an inch at 2540 dpi, which would vanish during later printing.

In addition to the usual [OK] and [Cancel] buttons, there is also an Apply button, which allows you to perform all deletions immediately. This forces the computer to recalculate all text breaks and remove unused colour layers, and to eliminate all unnecessary elements in your document.

Keep / Decompress raster images

Calamus uses image compression (especially with b&w images) to keep documents as small as possible.

This switch defines if the (simple) black&white image compression should be used.

When saving ... Ignore / Embed fonts in the document

This switch is very important. You can embed all the fonts that are used in your documents (including any loadable font formats!) into your documents when saving them.

Previously it was important to keep an eye on every single precious byte of storage space. Today, Calamus documents are often very much larger, so the fonts form a smaller percentage of the total document size. It therefore makes sense to save documents with embedded fonts, even if you do not have to pass them on to your imagesetting service. You can reload all SL documents much easier, without time-wasting lengthy searches for rarely used fonts, because they are already in the document! Your imagesetting service will thank you too, if you ship your documents with embedded fonts for exposure, plot or print service matters.

Legally speaking you are covered. The loaded, serialized CFN fonts are encrypted in the document, and still bound to your Calamus serial number. An imagesetter service partner will still only be able to open your documents if he/she owns a Job manager module, so nothing has changed as far as license liability for using CFN fonts is concerned. PS Type 1 fonts and TrueType fonts are not serialized during loading or saving.

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Last updated on December 12, 2015

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