When you have a very high volume of data, there are many advantages in storing high-res data once only, especially when they are used multiple times in a document.
There are different options to achieve this:
When multiple frames are virtually copied, the rolled-out high-res data will be stored once, of course. Virtual copies are only available within the same document, and they always share the same control curve settings.
Independent image frames which share the same high-res data, can use different control curve settings. You can also use the same rolled-out high-res data files in different documents.
When you copy an image frame after the high-res data have been rolled out, the link to these high-res data will be automatically copied with it. All copies then use the same high-res data for swapping.
The same is true for copying frames via the Clipboard
, even
from one document to another. Even when you export an image frame as a
.CRD file, the high-res data link will be stored.
The sharing can even be assigned afterwards: Use the function
Assign high-res data manually
, and assign any existing rolled
out high-res data file to an existing image frame – even and
especially when this high-res data have already been used in another
document. However, this method will not allow you to force another
image format into the frame, e.g. you cannot force RGB data to be used
in a CMYK image frame.
If you use the function Assign high-res data manually
, it
is better use images from the additional search paths
simply to
make you less likely to delete the high-res data by mistake when you
tidy up your document.
Please also note that sharing high-res data does not mean that changes also take effect in other image frames! When high-res data are being rolled in and changed (e.g. using the PAINT or the FILTER module), the link to the original high-res data is cut and lost. When you roll out the changed image data afterwards, a new high-res data file will be created instead. (Yes, you could even rename or assign the data manually in this case.)