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HomeRoll out – the easy wayTip: Editing imagesTip: Tidy up
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Tip: Print and film exposure

When you want to contract out the print or film exposure of a document, you should ensure that the other company also uses the High-Resolution Data Manager. In this case, you can simply copy your document, image and fonts e.g. onto a removable hard drive, using the Collect and copy function.

If the High-Resolution Data Manager is not available there, you have to reset the document into the normal state by rolling in all images again. Maybe you even have to use the virtual memory.

If only the document has to be edited, but not the images, you can also ship it bundled with the LRESDATA module. It doesn't offer to handle the rolled-out image content, but it does show the low-res data. (Otherwise, all rolled out image frames are simply white.)

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Last updated on June 24, 2015

HomeRoll out – the easy wayTip: Editing imagesTip: Tidy up