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invers Software
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Rotate frame

When you click on this icon, the currently selected frame will be rotated around its centre-point to the angle you entered in the Rotation angle function (see below). If the frame is a raster graphic frame, Calamus will rotate it in 90 degree increments. If you do not select a multiple of 90, Calamus will give you the chance to abort the operation or automatically switch to the nearest 90 degree increment.

You may rotate several frames at one time. Select the frames and then click the Rotate frame icon. All selected (linked) frames will be rotated to the chosen angle. You may unrotate frames the same way. Note that from Calamus SL2000 onwards you can enter text into rotated frames in the Text module – unlike in earlier versions, where these were restored to the upright position for text entry.

You can, of course, also enter negative angles for frame rotation.

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Last updated on June 24, 2015

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